建立一个银河运输帝国,为人类提供殖民星际所需的一切。在这个科幻物流模拟器中,将您的公司从当地的运输机构发展成为星际物流巨头!单人游戏、对战 AI 和在线多人游戏。
发行日期:2019 年 5 月 24 日
“The single most addictive optimization game I have ever played.. Period.”
JustinMyOpinion 贾斯汀我的意见
“An excellent addition to both the sci-fi and transport sim genres.”
Indie Detective 独立侦探
“plan to spend more time with it in the future.”
Indie Ranger 独立游侠
Build a galactic transportation empire! Help colonize the galaxy and dominate the competition in single player and online multiplayer. Use your business cunning to take your fledgling company from humble beginnings on Earth and it’s neighboring planets and moons to the far reaches of the Galaxy. Buy ships, manage routes, research technologies, conduct trade deals, build infrastructure, setup autonomous transportation networks, colonize new worlds, invest in local industry; All set in a scientifically-grounded procedurally generated galaxy. With challenging AI, and Online Multiplayer, you will have a new experience every time you play!
Help Colonize The Cosmos 帮助殖民宇宙
Help humankind spread throughout the galaxy by managing resource flows and the supply chains needed to sustain its growth. Balance colony expansion against resource deliveries to ensure you never bring a planet to starvation. Using a highly sophisticated and complex simulation, every decision you make can have lasting consequences throughout the entire game.

Realistic Business Management
Manage cash flow, take loans and issue bonds, deal with the local authorities and maintain high reputation throughout the galaxy. Invest in new technologies to give yourself an edge. Help develop new markets and hedge your risks. Balance expenses against value to crush your competitors.

Procedurally Generated Galaxy
Interstellar Transport Company has a scientifically grounded galaxy generator which produces challenging and believable maps. Play with 1 to 100 star systems in custom game mode or use predefined game settings and try to top the leaderboards. You can even play without our solar system (replaced by a randomly generated starting system) if you want to freshen things up!
星际运输公司拥有一个以科学为基础的星系生成器,可以生成具有挑战性和可信度的地图。在自定义游戏模式中使用 1 到 100 个星系统,或使用预定义的游戏设置并尝试在排行榜上名列前茅。如果你想让事情焕然一新,你甚至可以在没有我们的太阳系(由随机生成的启动系统取代)的情况下玩!
Play Any Way You Want
Play single player custom games against AI or alone with many different galaxy and difficulty settings. Or play with the predefined settings and compete on the global leaderboards. Maybe competitive multiplayer is your thing? **coming soon** Play a shortened balanced game against players near your own skill level for ladder points. You can even play a co-op multiplayer game, teaming up with friends against the AI.
与AI一起玩单人自定义游戏,或单独玩许多不同的星系和难度设置。或者使用预定义的设置,在全球排行榜上竞争。也许竞争激烈的多人游戏是你的事?**即将推出** 与接近自己技能水平的玩家进行缩短的平衡游戏,以获得阶梯积分。您甚至可以玩多人合作游戏,与朋友组队对抗 AI。

- 操作系统 *: Windows 7 or higher
- 处理器: 1.8 GHZ CPU
- 内存: 4 GB RAM
- 显卡: 1 GB DirectX 11 compatible video card
- 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
- 操作系统 *: Windows 8 or higher
- 处理器: 2.0 GHZ CPU
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: 2 GB DirectX 11 compatible video card
- 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间